PayPal QR Code Payment

  1. You will need two devices to complete these instructions, e.g. computer and phone. 1 to display the code and 1 to scan the code.
  2. If you currently do not have two devices, the link to this page has been emailed to you as part of your form submission email to complete at a later time.
  3. Download the PayPal app from App Store – Apple or Google Play on your phone or tablet.
  4. Open the PayPal app and sign into your account. If you do not have an account, you must create one to continue.
  5. Select “Scan/Pay” on the bottom of the screen.
  6. Scan the QR code below.
  7. Verify that the app shows ‘Pinellas County Urban League Young Professionals as your payee.
  8. Enter the amount you want to pay and complete payment.  (Membership Dues are $60.00 as of 01/01/2021.)
  9. After payment, send an email to with a description of your payment.